Scale up internationally with ease
Refine your payment strategy by offering local payment solutions
The forms that alternative payment methods (APMs) take vary greatly and depend largely on customer payment preferences within different regions. Dependent on the region, this is a complex and fragmented space. We can help you tap into customer preferences and hone in on popular regional APMs thereby increasing customer engagement as well as global revenue.

Assess your local strategy to grow globally
With APMs expected to account for approximately 65% of all e-commerce transactions by 2023, we can help your business adapt and grow with the changing environment.
Whether you are looking for specific local payment methods or looking to offer customers a wider range of payment methods, we can help you connect with multiple APMs including e-wallets, bank transfer solutions, mobile wallets and many more.
An extensive range of APMs for merchants who require flexible solutions customised to specific markets and territories.
QubePay offers a variety of e-wallets, a payment method which is rapidly growing on account of enhanced security, increased speed and convenience to customers. E-wallets largely eliminate the need to carry a physical wallet by storing all of a customer’s payment information securely and compactly.
Online bank transfers
QubePay offers a variety of bank transfer solutions which allow customers to deposit in real-time via their online banking services. Customers only need to have access to internet banking. The payment clears instantly and is irreversible thereby removing the risk of chargebacks.
Expand into new markets and increase your revenue